GC 101


Grace City 101 is our updated Membership Course, which exists to guide you into discovering your redemptive purpose and live the life that God created for you in the context of our church. This class is comprised of four parts, each drawing from our church’s mission statement:

We exist to help every person in our sphere of influence to encounter Christ, experience biblical community, and extend God’s Kingdom.
— Grace City Eugene's Mission Statement

GC 101 Class Format - 4 Sessions, 4 Weeks

Grace City 101 takes four weeks to complete. Four Sundays a month, we will offer an hour long class session directly after our worship gatherings. A group of 5-10 people will gather for each class session in the conference room and childcare will be provided for those who need it. Here is how our content is spaced out:

Week 1: Encounter Christ - The first step to following Jesus is encountering Him and learning about the life that He offers humanity. As we are equipped to know the Gospel and the mission that Jesus has called us to, our hearts are compelled to engage in a relationship with our Creator that changes our lives forever.

Week 2: Experience Biblical Community - We believe that the call to participate in Christian community is not some peripheral, Christian teaching, but is central to the outworking of God’s purpose in the world. In being obedient to this calling, Grace City urges each member to be deeply involved in the lives of others, and we desire every person in our sphere of influence to “experience biblical community."

Week 3: Extend God’s Kingdom - Central to Christ’s teachings was that He came to earth to establish an eternal Kingdom. We live in the tension that Christ has come and established His Kingdom, but the work is not finished yet. And until He returns and rids the world of sin, sickness, death, and Satan, we have been invited to be a part of the Kingdom extending in the world around us.

Week 4: Faith Applied - The final aspect that this course will focus on is the specific ways that God has wired and designed you to serve in our church and in the world around us. You will take some assessments that seek to help you determine your strengths and gifts so that you can live out God’s purpose for your life.


If we can help you in any way or answer any additional questions you may have, feel free to send an email to Casey Olsen or to Pastor Chris.